Model and present governance systems
It is important for all companies to be able to refer to a shared vision of the organisation which represents operational reality. Organisational modelling helps companies to navigate with agility through periods of rapid change.
Periods of rapid change are more and more frequent today, reflecting necessary evolutions in culture, company footprint, transformations, projects… Every change has some impact on working practices and requires some form of adaptation. As a result, maintaining a reliable representation of company organisation becomes quite a challenge.
MNM Consulting has developed significant expertise in this area, helping customers to create and update a valid vision of the organisation, in line with operational reality. We create an enterprise directory which answers the question “who does what”; and provides a dynamic graphical representation of responsibilities. Line management and functional structures are projected, enabling companies to clearly identify appropriate changes and remain in full control of transformations.
Our experience has led to the design and development of a powerful IT application (Assignment Manager), interfaced with Google Docs and Maps architecture. Cap Gemini has chosen Assignment Manager for deployment in several large companies. Our solution is highly modular and adapts to every form of organisation: simple to complex, medium to large. Our know-how in modelling company organisations is constantly developed by our R & D team, enabling us to deliver results in any form of organisation (hierarchical, matrix, projects…).

Ensure reliable data to enable right decisions
Reliable data enables wise decisions. Delivering quality data to managers is of vital importance for all organisations.
Operating data, and the frameworks they refer to, are at the heart of any organisation’s activity. Ensuring that data has the required level of reliability is not simply a technical question. It is of strategic importance to create systems able to support quality data gathering and delivery.
Business intelligence (B.I.) is too often relegated to such technical considerations – yet one often sees major cost over-runs on such projects, as they fail to deliver appropriate results. Prior thought on requirements – something MNM Consulting excels in – enables organisations to run successful B.I. projects.
We assist customers in designing and implementing adequate and durable data quality procedures, which produce quality results and enable accurate analyses and decisions.
Our experience in data reference frameworks and B.I. puts us in a strong position to respond to customer needs in terms of IT solution architecture and functional specifications for management (reference structure, dashboards…).

Translate strategic vision into operational actions and drive transformation
Being able to translate strategic vision into operational actions generates tremendous efficiency, and serenity, throughout the organisation. Managing performance against strategically aligned objectives makes managing the programme so reachable and gives working teams confidence as they achieve their objectives.
For any transformation project – whether it concerns strategy review, process changes, best practice adoption, rationalisation of standards – the company must consider a range of factors in order to successfully drive and implement change.
Amongst those factors, management must identify key transformation leverage and align action plans accordingly – making the programme clear to middle management levels.
Managing change is a complex process that benefits from support with appropriate tools and methods. The objective of our approach is to initiate a change logic within the customer teams – rather than having consultants leading the changes and leaving customer teams behind….
Our priority is to encourage and enable customer teams to identify with the change programme. We propose highly participative methods to facilitate the adoption of the right change dynamic, and the empowerment on tools and methods.
Our several years of experience allow us to assert significant expertise in managing change – across a wide range of situations (public and private sectors; large and medium size companies; healthcare, industry, research…).
Our change management method embraces other recognised tools such as Lean Manufacturing, Reach, ITIL… We usually work with our own 5 Steps method: customers find it easy to use and appreciate the level of structure given to the change process and progress monitoring.
5 Steps is associated with a powerful, in-house IT monitoring solution, enabling Action Plans to be propagated across the company, and consolidating automatically progress reports.

Mobilise teams around strategy and set the rhythm of change
Strategy deployment is vital for managers. Success of a transformation project is based on understanding and adhesion by operational teams and on the rhythm and dynamics of change. Strategy must be understood throughout the company to achieve successful delivery.
However, strategy, defined by management, is often not understood by operational teams who tend to resist change and thereby reduce the capacity of the company to evolve.
Success in transformation strategy depends on several factors:
- Exploration of strategic options to enlighten the future vision and communicate on possible orientations.
- Dynamic transformational momentum, required to maintain cohesion.
- Development of a clearly structured path, associated to tools to facilitate mobilisation and appropriation of strategy.
A dynamic implementation programme with efficient communication, moving forward at a manageable rate, enables teams to build up competence and autonomy rapidly.