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Innovation in management

Innovation is deeply embeded in our DNA.

MNM Consulting provides answers to organisational problems thanks to research laboratories.

This unusual priority for research in management enables us to create innovative methods adapted to companies and public or private organisation’s goals. These methods have been tested with success with our clients.

Our research laboratory has gained recognition by the French Ministry of Research.

Our laboratory is dedicated to research and innovation and develops management methods which consultant teams can adapt to customer situations and goals.

Our research team is on permanent lookout throughout the world to detect new models of organisation. The objective is to recognise new concepts in strategy and organisation. They create innovative solutions and adapt them to the specific characteristics and cultures of companies.

This research enabled us to develop the 5 Steps method with Valeo – designed to describe and monitor company strategy deployment. Several hundreds of 5 steps roadmaps help now operational teams to improve performance in Valeo production centres around the world.

Our laboratory corresponds with leading universities and management schools: Paris-Dauphine University, Ecole Centrale, Ecole des Mines.

Our innovation in details

Innovation is deeply rooted in our practices.

MNM Consulting Innovation Exploration Strategique

This method helps to clarify the vision and identify key capabilities of the organization and co-construct with the parties involved a realistic transformation plan.

MNM Consulting Innovation Roadmapping Management

The management roadmapping method can drive strategic alignment and progress within the extended enterprise.

The method of “Management Rings” is used to support the growing competence and improve management practices of teams.

Behavioral analysis tool based on emotions, which allows to understand individuals, their motivations and to establish a better communication.